Thursday, 20 October 2011

brave girl

I was at a loss for words when I first read about Giuliana having breast cancer. She found out about it while trying to get pregnant through IVF.

Giuliana and Bill are my idols. They are super busy with work scattered everywhere and yet, they still have time for their family. I hope that someday in the future, I will have a great husband like Bill and that I can be energetic like Giuliana who handles everything in her life so well.
Image via okmagazine

I have a lot of dreams which includes building a happy family of my own and at the same time build a successful, thriving empire. At times I question myself..can I do this? How would I manage the time and pay attention to everything? There would be a lot of stressful times - I know I'm thinking too much, when none of it has even started for me.

G, I know you can fight this battle with Bill, your family and us fans supporting you. You are such a brave girl for coming forward telling the world that you have cancer. You're thinking for others even during this difficult time, you are such a sweetheart. We know you can win this. I wish for you to have a complete recovery in no time and for the cancer to go away.

Much love from me.


  1. I was also very sad when I read about her having breast cancer. I hope she will be ok. Kisses, my dear.

  2. Hope she gets better...
    btw, I watch their tv series.

  3. Diana: Let's all hope for her to get better :)

    The Divinitus: I watch them too.. :)
